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Partner News & Articles

Another day, another cyber threat. With DMARC policy a hot topic in cybersecurity, opportunist hackers in North Korea are making headlines as they exploit weak email security.
On 29th April, a landmark law came into force in the UK. The law (catchily titled the Product Security and Telecommunications Act) regulates the security of smart devices.
In the not-so-distant past, locking our doors at night and keeping a careful watch on our wallets were the gold standards of personal security. These practices were ingrained into our daily routines,...
In today’s cybercrime landscape, it’s essential for the education sector to have airtight defences, safeguarding both students and staff.
Organisations might have cybersecurity solutions in place and think that’s enough to stay protected, but unfortunately, that's not the case. As you know, the cybersecurity landscape continually...
As we head further into 2024, the cyberthreat landscape continues to evolve, presenting challenges for organisations across all industries worldwide. From operational disruptions to data breaches,...
The Cyber Security Breaches Survey for 2024 has been released, and it paints a worrying picture for charities: cybercrime in this area is on the rise.
Insider threats are a critical security concern for organisations across the globe, encompassing risks associated with employees, contractors, and business partners who have inside information...
Here at Brigantia, we promote a channel-first approach, which makes sure we're delivering the very best in cybersecurity for MSPs and their customers. We sat down with our Sales Director, Angus Shaw,...