Practical Networks

November 11, 2021 | Brigantia

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About Practical Networks

Practical Networks is an award-winning IT services company, working alongside public sector organisations and SMEs delivering state of the art IT solutions.

Practical Networks provides support and consultancy throughout the UK and abroad.



  • Practical Networks requires solutions that fit with education providers and their cybersecurity needs
  • Practical Networks' requirements include helping to prevent, protect, and assist recovery from any cyber-attacks
  • Practical Networks also specialises in education providers. Education providers have many users throughout their networks, and making sure all these users are secure is vital



"Brigantia is a breath of fresh air! Brigantia’s specialism in Cybersecurity has been a direct contributing factor to a growth in our recurring revenue. The events Brigantia run for their partners throughout the year are very good and packed full of relevant content. I would recommend them to look at Brigantia with fresh eyes as they have evolved into quite a different animal in recent years."

Neil Remmer - Managing Director


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